Future Destinations


We support pupils with advice and research to enable them to make the best choices for their future beyond the school

We help pupils understand that there are various pathways into the world of work and our Head of Future Pathways can advise pupils on the pathway that will help them to meet their individual talents and interests.

Alternative pathways include:

  • Degree apprenticeships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Armed Forces
  • Work-based training or jobs in sought-after industries
  • Entrepreneurial opportunities
Book Sixth Form Visit
Pupils with tutor

Applying to UK Universities

We have a highly structured programme of personalised support in place to ensure our pupils make well informed, competitive applications in their chosen areas of specialism.

Specialist applications, such as to medical schools, conservatoires, art foundation courses, Oxford and Cambridge receive carefully tailored guidance as needed.

As a result, the majority of our pupils achieve their destination of choice, going on to study a wide range of subjects at prestigious universities both in the UK and overseas, including Oxbridge and members of the Russell Group. University destinations over the last five years include:


  • University of Bath
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • Cardiff University
  • Durham University
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Exeter
  • Imperial College London
  • University of Leeds
  • King’s College London
  • University College London (UCL)
  • The London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)
  • University of Manchester
  • Newcastle University
  • University of Oxford
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of St Andrews
  • SOAS, University of London
  • University of Warwick
  • University of York
Vision Maker pupil

Subjects studied and destinations of our 2024 leavers

History of Art pupil with books

Applying to International Universities

Around 25% of our Year 12 (A3) pupils will consider applying to an international university.

Our Head of International Pathways will meet each interested pupil individually to discuss their plans. International applications, especially those to US universities, have different requirements to UCAS and timelines can vary. Overseas University destinations over the last five years include:

  • Brown University
  • Columbia University
  • Harvard University
  • IE University (Madrid)
  • McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
  • University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

A global network of Old Bryanstonians (OBs) offer mentoring and guidance, helping pupils secure work experience, internships and employment opportunities.

One-to-one tutoring

Applying for an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship opportunities are growing and at Bryanston we help to equip our pupils so they are ready to make their applications. These are done via UCAS or direct with the employer.

An apprenticeship is a work-based training programme where you learn on the job whilst studying for a qualification. Your week is split between carrying out your job role and classroom-based learning. This blend allows you to put the theory into practice, so you are prepared for your future career.

A typical apprenticeship can look like this:

  • Four days a week you are working for the company
  • One day a week you are studying towards your qualification
  • For a degree apprenticeship you normally go away every term on a residential at the university that are awarding the degree

Success stories

Our pupils have been successful in gaining apprenticeships at employers including the BBC, Dyson and JP Morgan.

Higher education roadmap – Year 12 (A3)

HE Roadmap Year 12 (A3)

Higher education roadmap – Year 13 (A2)

HE Roadmap Year 13 (A2)
Academic Subjects