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Music Assembly from Composer and Teacher, Richard Nye

Richard Nye talks to the Prep School children about his musical collaboration with children in Ukraine.

The composer Errollyn Wallen said that children writing music is one of the best things ever.....

Richard has long shared Errollyn's view and explained in his assembly that the process of composing music is such a powerful and important aspect of our lives as it goes beyond mere 'language'. He believes that children are remarkably adept at it, if given the right approach.

Richard told the children of his collaboration with a lady called Evgenia (a composer and teacher from Ukraine) and her involvement in setting up the Junior Impreza, a composing festival and competition for children of all ages in Ukraine. The annual event had, until 2022, grown and become international with children as young as 7 writing music and sharing it. Since the war, Evgenia was determined to keep the festival alive and give the children the opportunity to still compose despite the current situation in their country. Though the Junior Impreza was delayed, Evgenia worked very hard to make it happen and the children in turn, responded, composing music when they could. By December 25th 2022 the compositions for Junior Impreza were finally ready and were shared.... such was the success of her efforts, Evgenia then found herself talking with the British composer and Professor of Music, Nigel Osborne who is working in Ukraine to support children through music, often in the shelters. Evgenia advised that if some of the children's pieces from the Junior Impreza could be performed and shared outside Ukraine, that would create such a boost for the young composers. The children knowing that their own compositions have been performed, and their musical voices heard outside their country at this really difficult time, would have such a positive impact on them and give them such a lift.

Therefore, with the permission of the young Ukrainian composers, Richard performed four pieces of music from children aged 7 to 17 which was the first time they had been performed live outside Ukraine - these were certainly UK premieres!

The Bryanston Prep pupils thoroughly enjoyed the music much to the delight and excitement of their composers in Ukraine.