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Prayer resources

Daily Prayer

Provided by the Church of England. Make your choice of service and scroll down through the service, reading both the minister's part and the responses at your own pace

Radio 4

BBC Radio 4's prayer for the day available to listen to at any time.

A daily MP3 meditation.

Helpful advice on the Church of England website for those new to prayer.

In finding sanctuary Father Christopher Jamison offers practical wisdom from the monastic tradition on how to build sanctuary in our lives

Through images, words, music and actions Lost in Wonder hope that you are able to consider your spiritual journey and be inspired and challenged.

For a rather refreshing yet reflective web-based aid to prayer, see the website Sacred Space and click on Prayer for Today.

Listen to BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship programme online.

Listen to BBC Radio 3's broadcasts of Choral Evensong from around the country.